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Dec. 11, 2023

Wonder World Podcast Monday, December 11

Wonder World Podcast Monday, December 11

🎄 This episode is jam-packed with celebrations, history, and laughs, perfect for the whole family.

We're sending birthday wishes to famous folks like Frank Sinatra, Jane Austen, and our young listeners. 🎂 And did you know there's a whole day dedicated to noodle rings? We'll chat about that, too!

Dive into history with us as we explore events like the Boston Tea Party and the publication of A Christmas Carol. Plus, we're embracing the festive spirit with National Cocoa Day, National Horse Day, and the ever-fun Ugly Sweater Day. 🐴🍪

Get ready for some foodie fun as we discover the story of Chef Boyardee and delve into the sweet world of Canadian maple syrup. 🍁 And, of course, there are jokes and trivia to keep you giggling and guessing.

So cozy up with a cup of cocoa, don your ugliest sweater, and join us for a delightful mix of facts, fun, and festive cheer. 🌟🎧

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The Team

Host: Pam Barnhill

Host: Olivia Barnhill

Research and Writing: Betsy Cypress

Production: Thomas Barnhill

Graphics: Katy Wallace

Operations: Meg Angelino