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Dec. 4, 2023

Wonder World Podcast Monday, December 4

Wonder World Podcast Monday, December 4

We are back with another fun-filled episode as we jingle into December. 🎄 We're stirring up some festive joy by looking at everyone's favorite winter accessories - from ear muffs to mittens. And, oh boy, do we have some delicious days ahead - National Cookie Day, Brownie Day, and Pastry Day are here to treat your taste buds!

But it's not just about treats; we're also exploring significant historical moments, like the attack on Pearl Harbor, reminding us of the strength and resilience we can find in unity. Plus, we're getting into the holiday spirit with a deep dive into the wonderful festival of Hanukkah and the science behind baking those yummy Christmas cookies. 🕎🔬

Tune in now for a delightful blend of learning and fun - perfect for the whole family! 🌟🎧

Links and Resources:

Fun Facts about the Heart

Brownie Recipe

50 Hannukah Recipes

99 Christmas Cookie Recipes

The Team:

Host: Pam Barnhill

Host: Olivia Barnhill

Research and Writing: Betsy Cypress

Production: Pam Barnhill

Operations: Meg Angelino